Cameroon Award-Winning Single Estate Coffee - Originating from Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee
Regular price
163,00 kr
Cameroon coffee has a rich, full body and mellow taste featuring a very pleasant aroma. Cameroon has great agricultural conditions, providing one of the best primary commodity economies in the sub-Saharan Africa region. Our Cameroon Coffee originates from Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Beans and it is from an Award-Winning Single Plantation (Not a blend).
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Tasting notes include a heavy body, toffee, chocolate and caramel with hints of molasses and blackberry. This coffee is grown at an elevation of 7,200 feet on the side of Mount Kilum. Cameroon is famous for white honey, and with this large population of bees the coffee plants receive lots of assistance in pollination. Coffee here was brought in the early 1900's from Jamaica, and this Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee flourished in the ideal climate conditions of Cameroon where the shade grown coffee is under the banana trees.
Ingredients: 100% Arabica Coffee of Blue Mountain Coffee origin, Grown in Cameroon.
All of our coffee is fresh roasted, when you order, leaving the natural oils and aromas intact and sealed in resealable packaging to ensure maximum freshness. - a premium product sure to please any coffee lover.
Cameroon, on the Gulf of Guinea, is a Central African country of varied terrain and wildlife. Its inland capital, Yaoundé, and its biggest city, the seaport Douala, are transit points to ecotourism sites as well as beach resorts like Kribi – near the Chutes de la Lobé waterfalls, which plunge directly into the sea – and Limbe, where the Limbe Wildlife Centre houses rescued primates. Cameroon borders Nigeria to the north, Central African Republic to the east, and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo to the south.